Unlocking Communication: How AAC Can Help Your Child

Gwen Swire2023-05-03

Communication forms the bedrock of our interactions, learning, and overall quality of life. But for children with speech and language disorders, communication can be an uphill battle. That's where Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) comes into play. As an experienced Speech Language Pathologist, I'm here to help you understand AAC and how it can benefit your child.

Understanding Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC)

AAC is a set of tools and strategies that aids or replaces spoken and written communication. This includes everything from gestures and sign language to communication boards and high-tech devices. AAC can help children who have difficulty producing or understanding spoken or written language, aiding in their interaction with the world around them.

Benefits of AAC

Here are a few key benefits of incorporating AAC into your child's communication journey:

1. Facilitates Communication: AAC can give your child a way to communicate their thoughts, needs, and feelings, promoting independence and self-advocacy.

2. Promotes Social Interaction: By providing a means to communicate, AAC can enhance your child's social interactions, strengthening their relationships with peers and family members.

3. Supports Speech and Language Development: Contrary to common misconceptions, AAC can actually encourage verbal language development rather than hinder it. It provides a visual and tangible aspect to language that can support understanding and expression.

How I Incorporate AAC into Speech Therapy

In my speech therapy practice, I take a highly personalized approach to AAC. Here's how I work:

1. Visual Supports: For many of the children I work with, and especially for autistic children, I provide visual supports for the language used. I am regularly modelling through devices or pictures to support language development.

2. Training and Support: I provide training for both your child and your family, ensuring everyone can effectively use and support AAC communication.

If you have a child with speech and language difficulties in the San Gabriel Valley area, don't hesitate to reach out. I'm here to guide and support you and your child on this journey towards better communication.

Stay tuned to my blog for more insights and advice on how speech therapy can empower your child and enrich their life.

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